The Moon Camp Challenge competition is open for submissions until 20 April 2023. Assemble your team, submit your project and compete for a chance to attend an exclusive webinar with an ESA astronaut and win a 3D printer for your school.

Each year, the Moon Camp Challenge competition invites students across the globe to imagine what a functional lunar settlement might look like with the help of 3D modelling tools. The Moon Camp Challenge is an annual competition jointly run by the Airbus Foundation and the European Space Agency (ESA), in partnership with software company Autodesk.

This year, competing teams are once again asked to address the complexities of defining a habitable community on the Moon. And this year’s Challenge includes a rule change that improves the competition’s accessibility and opens it up to a wider pool of entries: from now on the project no longer needs to be written in English and may be submitted in any language.

The winning teams will take home a 3D printer for their school and the opportunity to participate in an exclusive webinar with an ESA astronaut.

Submissions are invited in the following categories: 

  • Explorers (up to 14 years old): Students have to design their Moon Camp using Tinkercad and explain their design decisions in a written report.
  • Pioneers (from 13 to 19 years old): Students may design their Moon Camp using the 3D design software of their choice, and must also explain their decisions in a written report.

There is also a non-competitive mission for beginners, called Discovery, where entrants can design a single component of a Moon Camp using Tinkercad. This level of participation is for fun and everyone will receive a certificate for taking part! 

Teams competing in the Explorers and Pioneers categories must be composed of a minimum of two and a maximum of six students, and the projects need to be submitted by a teacher or educator. 

The competition is open for entries until 20 April 2023. So what are you waiting for? Assemble your team and submit your project here:

Check out last year’s winners

Last year’s winners received a 3D printer. This is what they made!

  • The “Queen Cells” team (China)
queen-cells_team_china_Moon Camp Challenge
  • The “Hermaszewski Moon Camp” team (Poland)