Airbus Foundation, in collaboration with Phoenix Space, is embarking on an exciting venture to empower refugee children in Amman, Jordan, by launching an innovative STEM Course. 

A course to address the challenges of refugee children

The global humanitarian crisis has disrupted the education of millions of children, depriving them of quality learning opportunities and impeding the development of essential skills required in today's technology-driven world. In response, Phoenix Space has developed a distinctive methodology centred around the acquisition of skills and competencies predicted to be in high demand by employers worldwide over the next decade. With a strong commitment to equitable education, Phoenix Space has tailored this introductory STEM course to address the unique challenges faced by refugee children.

A engaging STEM programme

The STEM Spark course is co-designed by Phoenix Space and Airbus Foundation and aims to spark interest in STEM among young students aged 9-13 years old. The course implemented by local partner Alchemist Lab provides 44 refugee children with an introduction to fundamental concepts of STEM in an engaging, accessible, and culturally sensitive manner.

The course is intended to instil a scientific mindset and teach problem-solving methodologies through experiments and evidence-based thinking. The lessons include an introduction to algebra, geometry, Newtonian mechanics, programming, space science, design and analysis of scientific experiments. 

Supporting this initiative, Rachel Schroeder, Managing Director of the Airbus Foundation said:

The children access the resources they need to acquire the skills and competencies to face their future better equipped with knowledge and tools that can improve their conditions. Our aim is that this programme inspires the young people involved, and we hope it will also help them reach their full potential.






The Founder and CEO of Phoenix Space, Alevtina Nepomniachtchikh commented on the launch of the course:

The key to a sustainable approach to the humanitarian crisis lies in unlocking the enormous potential of human capital. At Phoenix Space, we believe in STEM education playing a transformative role in the lives of marginalised children in the context of a changing world driven by rapid technological advancements.